My Cat’s name is Berri. She is 6 1/2 years old. Berri has been through a lot in the last year. Berri’s first mom couldn’t keep her because of her instability (drugs, moving, just a lot of things going on) and didn’t feel that it was fair to Berri to keep being shuffled around. I took one look at Berri and just loved her. She is a sweet cat, very easy going. Everything was fine until September when my boyfriend was gone. I want Berri to know that he will be coming home around Sept and that he knows that she tried to stop him from leaving.Dad said the last day he was home she tried to physically stop him from going out the door. That is something she had never done before. At first when he was gone she would sit by the door sometimes. The other thing going on is that I am pregnant, due any time now. I know Berri knows, but I want her to know that I love her and that she is still a very important part of the family, even though the baby will take up a lot of my attention. I want to know what I can do to make the transition easier for her. I want to know how she is feeling about everything that has happened and if there’s anything I can be doing to make her happier. Now that I am on maternity leave she seems to be less clingy and doesn’t want to be next to me every second of the day. I try to give her space and not bother her too much when she’s sleeping, but sometimes I worry that she might be a little sad.
Please let me know if I can provide any more information.
I would like to schedule the session as soon as possible, since the baby could arrive soon, my due date was 1/31.
Berri said Berri wants this soothing feeling to continue. Yes, Berri wants to learn this. Berri does feel upside down sometimes because Dad left. Berri went through this before but forever Mom brought Berri home. Berri found love and kindness with Mom and Dad. Then it got taken like Dad- away. Mom has been sad since Dad was gone so Berri has been sad for Mom. Berri knows Mom will soo be really happy again because of her baby coming. Berri knows this will being the joy back home again and when Mom feels peaceful and joyful, Berri will absorb the same energy. Berri clings to Mom when Mom seems the saddest but now Mom is more centered so Berri is finding Berri’s own place. Berri knows Mom and Berri have a soul connection and this is why Berri is so reactive to Mom’s internal moods. Now Berri is ready to go inside Berri for Berri’s own healing energy. Yes, Berri knows the supply of healing energy is limitless.
Mom said few days later:
I think I’ve been distracted waiting for baby still. Berri is doing well. During the session she first was lying on her cat scratcher in the bedroom which she never does. Then when I went to lie down on the bed she jumped up there but went to the corner,usually she likes to be right next to me. After she seemed very calm & then gave herself a bath. She seems a little happier now, she isn’t sleeping quite as much. I am glad that she believes the baby will make me happier. I’ve noticed her staring into space sometimes so I think she’s talking to her angel. Thank you so much & yes you can put Berri in your blog. :-)