Angel is 4 yrs.old, and I love her dearly. She has a problem with barking all day and all night excessively. I have tried everything, and my neighbors are sick of her and me. I do not want to give her up, she was dumped when she was 5weeks old. I felt then and still do that the angels wanted me to keep her. Hence, her name “Angel”. Last year she bit her vet and I am so afraid to take her back. They call animal control to your animals when they become biters. Please, help! I look forward to hearing from you.
Angel said Angel is protecting now.
Angel feels very protective of Angel’s family and home. Angel sees and hears all kinds of noises that make Angel alert and wants everything to hear Angel ROAR. What? Stop guarding the property? What else is there for Angel to do but serve and protect? Candy told Angel you make a very good point but your big bark is causing problems for our family. Angel we are going to reboot all your systems and check everything out. Now we will begin with the healing energy to all your cells. Angel we are also going to go into to your bark vocal cords and turn the volume down low almost to a whisper. We will also send a calming healing energy to flow throughout you every evening so when the noises occur Angel will be feeling too peaceful to even consider a bark. Angel said Angel only wants to do things for Mom that make Mom happy. Angel is glad you sent a guardian angel to surround Angel too. Now Angel can whisper to Angel’s guardian angel and everyone will feel better.

Thank you so very much for all your help Ming and Candy. I do see and feel a difference in my girl, Angel. I will update you on her progress.
Many, many blessings,
Thank you so much Ming and Candy for helping Angel. She had a peaceful night and so far a very good morning. I told her I thank her for protecting us and our home,all is well and she can rest today and listen to the birds.:-) Thank you my dear friend Karen Goosic for recommending Reiki Fur Babies!All my love,Angel’s mom
Angel and I had such a good day. I usually have a lot of fear inside because of her barking, today it was very far away. Many blessings and thanks to Ming and Candy for all your help!