When we were reviewing Olare’s past month. We noticed she’s always helping first. Always getting the little ones even smaller than her back in line. Its like she’s the A student. We’re so proud of her!
Olare said Olare was expecting the healing energy from Olare’s angel Mommies. Yes, the angels alert Olare to the events around Olare. Olare does healing energy from within but Olare does like
whenever Olare’s angel Mommies are here surrounding Olare with all their love and healing. Olare has been doing so many things. Olare goes for group walks but Olare is always the leader because
Olare is alert and wants to keep Olare’s family together. Some of the new members are too young to stay with the group or just curious and wander away- not on Olare’s watch! Back in step with
everyone right now little one! Aren’t you so proud ? Olare is your Olare. Olare still spends time eating and playing so don’t worry Olare has a wonderful life here!