Mom wanted us to check her horse Stella who is pregnant. Mom wrote: Here are a couple pics of Stella… it is hard to see how pregnant she looks from the side because she is still carrying the baby really high maiden mares carry them higher than mares who have had more babies, and the don’t start to really drop until a couple weeks before they foal. Her time is getting close, and I feel she could use some positive energy, and I want to make sure I am meeting all her needs.
Stella said Stella is feeling fine but tired too. Stella’s angel has been surrounding Stella all the time to keep Stella feeling safe and comfortable with all that angelic love. Mom comes by too to give Stella extra doses of love and kindness. Stella and baby are doing what we are supposed to be doing- eating and sleeping. Stella feels a heaviness when moving around or when getting up from a long nap/sleep. Now that is when Stella can feel the baby’s weight added to Stella’s and its wonderful. Stella feels pretty peaceful with the process in front of Stella and Stella knows it is all good. Everything in the barn is quiet now but sometimes its not so quiet. Stella will go back to relaxing again until its either time to sleep or eat. Stella’s baby is starting to move a little. Good things ahead.
Mom wrote back: That is so good to hear that stella is at peace… when I start to get worried, she seems to look at me and tell me it’s all ok, she has everything under control. It is funny what she said about not being quiet… today between the violent winds, and repairmen for the overhead door it was indeed quite noisy in the barn