I have added a new fur baby…this time she is the perfect fit for the family. She is a rescue who just had puppies herself..interestingly enough the same story as Mama. She was rescued without knowing she was pregnant and had the puppies. I got her Thursday which was her first night without the puppies, but she has been a love bug…its been a dream with her. She is still filled with milk and adjusting, but overall amazing. She is very underweight, but a sweetheart–so loving and well housebroken and very house loving pup. She has been great with the kitties…but since moon doggie I can tell Mama is terrified. She is not eating or drinking. Minnie, was just running and scared her even more. Lola is a little annoyed and hissing but out on the bed and not hiding…Mama though is not having an easy time. In my heart, I know this will all work out, but Mama needs an energetic hug and soothing that this is a different situation and she is safe and can come out of hiding and eat and drink and be with me. Minnie is only 12lbs and very sweet and quiet. She just wants love and I know will want to snuggle and be loved by the kitties. I would love if you could fit Mama in and if I can use the credit let me know and I will go . i attached a picture of Minnie so you and Candy can see her. I will probably add sessions for her and Lola shortly, but Mama is in a bit of a state!
We sent angels to Mama and Minnie several hours before the session and Mom wrote back : That is the sweetest. Thank you so very much!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! Can I just tell you…right after you sent the angels…Mama and Lola popped out for a bit! Unreal…I just gave them some tuna and then put Minnie in the kitchen with a bone for awhile and I’m having some cuddle time with Lola…what you do is amazing!! XO!
Mama said Mama is listening to the songs of Mama’s guardian angel and all the angels that are surrounding Mama, Lola and Minnie. Mama knows Mom’s heart is so big and Mom only wants to love and care for Mama, Lola and Minnie. Mama is wise enough to know that this is what makes Mom so wonderful. Minnie seems to be a good size and a personality that fits with both Mama and Lola. Mama is still cautious about getting too close but Mama knows that space and time will bring Mama and Minnie together. Its a nice feeling the healing energy and Lola is feeling it too and now Minnie will be sharing it with Mama too. Mama isnt as nervous around Minnie because Minnie seems to respect and allow Mama her space. Mom does like having a full house of Mama, Lola and Minnie to love so things are really nice here with Mom and all the angels too. Ready for you to begin the healing, hey Lola, Minnie, relax!
Wow…I stayed in the living room, even though I usually sit with which ever baby is getting the session, and Mama was in the bedroom, but I wanted to make sure Minnie stayed out in the living room with me so I stayed put. I wanted to give Mama her space during the session. Minnie tends to follow me right now wherever I go 🙂 When the session started everything in the apartment settled so peacefully. It was beautiful. I felt so still. Then all these tears came because I so much wanted Mama to know how much I love her and I only did this because I want to bring even more love into our home and a dog is also a way to start to bring the love we have in here to the outside world as well. I was saying to her how much I love her and how much the love I have for her makes my heart feels so big (EXACT WORDS), but I want my heart to get bigger and open even more–she has brought a lot of healing to me…wow still crying as I am typing this after having read what she said…I can so believe it because every time my girls chat with you and Candy I feel blown away and moved by how special they are, but this one is pretty big. I was in this conversation for sure while it was happening–I am so glad she understands and was sung to by the angels..sung too–I love it..I did notice Minnie getting the energy for sure too–her head popped up again when everyone left at 7:29 like a swoosh into 7:30. It is just so important for both my kitties to know I rescued them and that I want us to open our hearts to rescue more into our family. Also funny how she was telling them to relax when she seems to be the one stressing out!! 🙂 Thank you so much for the emergent session. I am so grateful and moved. Blessings to you and Candy.