Happy New Year Ming! This one is for Max. His sinuses are acting up, which is leading to a goopy eye (though it’s not infected). A vet once told me he has the occasional sinus trouble because his nose is so short. Actually, my sinuses/allergies have been terrible lately, too… sometimes I wonder if Max and I are more linked than I realize. Anyway, lots of big energy shifts going on here that I’m sure are affecting Max, too, so I thought a session would help him out. Plus it’s always fun to hear what Max has to say!
As we connected with Max, Candy said, who’s Bussie? 🙂
Candy got a sense of Bussie right away! Guess he didnt want to be left out! Max said Max feels open and ready for our encounter. Bussie and mom will also be. Mom will also be feeling the healing energy from this session for Max. Max is enlightened because of all the communication Max has with the angels. Max’s guardian angel is always keeping Max in tune with the vibrations from the spirit world. Max feels like Max is part of both worlds. Meditating which to the uninformed could look like napping. This has allowed Max to relax into nirvana. No cat nip required for this adventure. Max feels the vibe or connection to Mom. Sometimes Max and Mom are not together but Max can connect to Mom’s soul from anywhere during Max’s meditative state. Max is ready for Max’s body to have the energy healing tune up!
Mom wrote next morning:
Wow, that was interesting. I didn’t want Bussie to feel left out and I told him that next time the session would be for him. I also told him that he would be able to feel the healing energy when Max was having his session. Too funny that he popped right in when you guys connected with Max! I got home right as the session started and to my surprise, both cats were galloping around the house. I definitely felt the energy, too, and I was strangely agitated. I participated in a three day Mayan prayer circle during the crossover from 2011 to 2012 and so much stored emotion came to the surface to be released. I think Max’s session had a similar effect on me and on the cats, too? With all of their running around to release the energy? We were all much calmer this morning. It doesn’t always feel great in the moment, but I’m glad to release anything that no longer serves me in 2012. And talk about a great message from Max the meditating kitty!
We also heard back that Max’s sinuses had all cleared up as well!