We also got a request from Cherokee’s Mom for : Toulouse and Isabella- who is the one still peeing outside box and why? What are their health issues? Do they like new house members being there? (They have to be here for $ reasons, and helping me when sick, so if they don’t, how can we make it better?)
Toulouse said Toulouse has certainly mellowed out and does understand that this healing energy feels so good to Toulouse’s body. Just the over flow from Cherokee felt very relaxing. Toulouse mostly over thinks things because of Toulouse’s over active imagination. See how you are pulling Toulouse’s secrets out of Toulouse? Toulouse does try and cope with the changing circumstances of Mom’s health and everyones living situation. IF only HYPOTHETICALLY , if Toulouse heard of a cat peeing on a wonderful caring Mom Toulouse might wonder if the cat was marking Mom so the other visitors knew Mom was “mine” or “that” cat’s. Just a thought and then you may want to consider that Toulouse or a cat like Toulouse had an infection and could only pee on soft fabric . Cats aren’t vets or psychics just furry little pets that require a certain amount of attention, love, understanding and basic needs
Isabella said Isabella can barely think thoughts that are coherent because of this state of bliss you have put Isabella’s whole household in. This relaxing feels great and isabella hopes that it is covering Mom too. Mom will soak up all the healing energy from Cherokee, Toulouse and now Isabella. For Isabella, it feels like we are all away being surrounded with loving, caring healing that can start on the fur and penetrate all the way down to Isabella’s soul. Every bone, muscle, really. All of this process is feeling good better and now its Isabella’s turn so Isabella is best. OF course Toulouse, Isabella and remote Cherokee are grateful for Mom for her constant love and kindness. Isabella will tell you that Mom is an angel for being so patient and loving to her sometimes not the best behaved Toulouse, Cherokee and Isabella. All is good Mom, relax and drink up the healing because Isabella, Toulouse and Cherokee want to give some of it back to Mom too.
Toulouse made us laugh so hard the way he was surmising…. cats are so wonderful, they are intuitive, smart and can be so entertaining. Isabella, what a connection to Mom. So wonderful!