We also had a wellness session with Madison:
Madison said, Madison has been in a relaxed state as well as absorbing state because of Mercy’s session. Mercy was kind to share the healing energy with Madison. Madison feels wiser then others in our family because Mom takes time with Madison. Madison likes receiving healing energy all the time. Madison is tuned into all the energy that occupies the space around Madison. It is always a comfort. Candy told Madison, it is a pleasure to meet someone so wise and in tune. We would like to reboot your systems first then once they have started running, we are sending healing to your entire body. You will also be able to go to the reservoir of healing energy anytime you wish or need to an use the supply of endless healing energy to keep Madison feeling good. A guardian angel is being sent to stay with you Madison always. Your guardian angel will stay close and you will feel the love and protection from your guardian angel always.
We love Madison’s wisdom and unique energy. It’s wonderful that she also received healing energy during Mercy’s session!