Wellness session for 3 year old Husky Malika. Auntie said perhaps some tummy issues as well.
Malika said, Malika says hi, Malika knew your were coming next, the next treat- like treatment! Malika could feel the healing energy washing over Malika like a gentle massage. Now Malika is tuned in to all that is happening for Malika’s body and mind. Relax Hobbes and you can enjoy the treat from Malika! Candy told Malika, you are very expressive. We are so happy that you were enjoying the healing energy from the session with Hobbes. Now this is Malika’s time to first be rebooted then after all the systems are up and running we will start sending in the healing energy to each and every cell in Malika’s body. Malika we cleared out your tummy and coated it with a gentle and relaxing healing that will allow the food you swallow to pass through without upsetting your tummy. Malika whenever you feel like your tummy is feeling a little queasy go inside and draw in more healing energy to this area. The supply inside you is limitless so draw all you require whenever you need it. Malika we also have a request come from an angel to be with you always. Malika your special angel will help you with everything, just ask. You will feel the love and protection from your angel always.
Her reading was adorable and that she loves Hobbes so much. That is too cute since poor hobbes seems to just tolerate the BIG little one 😉 They said Malika was very alert as if quite chit chatty with all the energy that arrived and I am gathering from what she said that she was very cute and high energy.