Pumpkin: I gather Pumpkin has been making good use of her angel since her last visit with you! So have they been good buddies?! I just want Pumpkin to have another boost from you in preparation for the cold and snow to come. I hope she listens to Dad and her angel when it’s time to go into her loft. And be nice to the little puppy down the street who only wants to be her friend! Also please tell her I enjoy our snuggle time every other week!
Pumpkin said, Pumpkin was alerted to your arrival because Pumpkin has a watch angel who keeps Pumpkin informed of all comings and goings in Pumpkinland. The puppy is going to grow into a dog, probably a big dog so Pumpkin feels and knows this is Pumpkins only real opportunity to take a firm stance. I AM PUMPKIN don’t mess with me, I have ENOUGH friends. Ok, so angel is not happy with that approach either but does show Pumpkin the love and understanding that Pumpkin requires.
Auntie wrote:
I asked my Dad to bring Pumpkin in for her appointment like the first time but he couldn’t find her. We’ve had unseasonably mild weather so she must be soaking it up. But the other day when we had a light dusting it took coaxing, a break, and more coaxing to get her out of her loft to come snuggle with me. So her I AM PUMPKIN declaration is not a surprise! She will meow a lament if you fail to do something or do something she doesn’t approve of. I am proud of her for this, though, because she knows what to do and how to be out there in her world of nature…Pumpkinland! I guess that puppy is on his own! And I’m glad she’s paying attention to her ‘watch angel’, as I’ve noticed a bit since her first round