One of our clients emailed and asked if we could check in with “Nugget” that was at a rescue what he thought of a name change and to live with her kitties and Rachel in their home. We loved what Nate or Nathaniel had to say. Lots of love and light to Nathaniel in his forever home with Mom!! Love to hear rescue stories!
Nugget sounds like it came out of a nugget but Nate is a real manly, not a a kitty but a real grown up cool cat! Cool Nate aka by cool Nate’s forever Mom as Nathaniel Pawthorne. Nate will hear the love and kindness in Nate’s forever Mom and of course respond in kindness. Nate likes feeling so special and chosen to live in such a great family. Nate has a family- wow how happy Nathaniel Pawthorne is smiling inside and out! Candy told Nate we are also sending you your own special angel to stay with you. your angel will always hear you and stay close to you Nathaniel Pawthorne. Your angel will always surround you with love and protection. Yes, Nathaniel is happy to be home!