Mom wrote: Zooloo is 12 years old, has only been on a raw diet, never had vaccinations and never been give flea treatments. Yet he has a hard lump on his neck. The lump appeared quickly noticed while bathing him. Its cancer, aggressive form genetically common in white cats. He has a growth in his mouth as well. Its squamous cell carcinoma.
Here’s our first two sessions with Zooloo:
Zooloo is feeling all the loving attention from Mom, Dad and everyone. Zooloo feels all the angels surrounding Zooloo too. Zooloo knows this is sad for Mom and Dad to have Zooloo’s body not well. Zooloo is fine with whatever and wherever the journey takes Zooloo. Zooloo feels the joy and love in these moments and leaves the rest to fall away. Candy told Zooloo we are sending you huge amounts of healing energy throughout your entire body into all your cells. We are sending Zooloo your own special angel that will be always with Zooloo. Your angel will always comfort and care for you always. Zooloo you can also now draw upon your own energy healing whenever you need it throughout the day or night. Zooloo said, Zooloo will take whatever is needed and now with Zooloo’s own angel to guide and remind Zooloo things will be fine
Zooloo said, Zooloo said Zooloo feels everyone’s love. Zooloo has been sharing with Zooloo’s angel. Angel sometimes brings other angels to embrace Zooloo. Zooloo’s body is behaving the way it is supposed to. Zooloo believes Zooloo’s body is sometime separate from Zooloo. Yes, Zooloo’s soul is the essence of Zooloo. The healing energy does calm the activity in Zooloo’s body down. Zooloo will relax now and allow you to continue to work on healing Zooloo. Zooloo you sound very peaceful and wise. Your Mom feels your amazing calmness during this time. Zooloo we are glad you can communicate with your angel and that your angel is giving you comfort.
We heard back from Mom :
Zooloo’s good, good appetite. We’re giving him the supplement noni, has been on it for a week now, I mix it in his food, he’s not picky at all. Such a good boy. He’s in good spirits and playful