Olare is really maturing and growing up. Its so wonderful to hear what she shares with us and how she is evolving. Each time we connect with her we learn something about her.
Olare said, Olare is quite merry- Olare has been eating and roaming with Olare’s family. Olare wants you to see the new babies when they arrive home here. Olare knows you can see. Olare feels so much love from so many people Olare does not know. Well Olare knows their hearts are open to Olare. Olare can feel what someone else is thinking or feeling in Olare’s family. See Angel Mommy, Olare is from you too. Olare thinks there is a connection to each other. Olare is wise not just a funny little one but insightful too. Olare is off to be less thoughtful and more playful now…