Deana is an older girl, maybe 9 0r 10 years old, rescued from a high kill shelter. She wasn’t available to the public because she bit a shelter employee. What this means is that she was only available to rescue groups. The rescue group I foster for saved her. I started out fostering her (as you know). A few months after Dasher passed on, we adopted her
She had a really bad abscess in her mouth if you recall (which is when you did Reiki on her). That’s when she had the dental, no more teeth issues. Since then, she’s had minor issues that I’ve worked with homeopathically. She has a damaged trachea, nothing severe but it affects the way she sounds…people often mistake it as her growling because she has a very “rough” voice, almost as if she was a smoker in her former life
I massage her frequently, which she loves. It was when I massaging her last night that she asked for a Reiki session…so her wish is my command. It was 2 years ago this week that she was rescued from the shelter, so this is my anniversary gift to her.
Deana said, Deana is here ready for the healing energy. yes, Deana and our whole family felt the healing energy from Coco’s session. Coco is on the moody side but Deana has compassion for Coco’s confusion. Actually Coco has fit into Deana’s family nicely. Of course that is because of all the angels helping Mom and Dad with kindness and understanding for this big family of wayward souls. Deana knows now this was always Deana’s destination but what a journey to come home. Candy told Deana we are sending the healing energy throughout your entire body. We will send a soothing energy healing all around your throat area to bathe those areas continuously with healing. Deana we know you have many angels in your home and you now have one just for you. ( we attuned Deana to her own guardian angel) Deana’s special angel that will always be with Deana to help Deana feel love and protected. Deana said, Deana knows the name of the angel! Its MOM right?! Oh Deana now sees another angel next to Deana, Deana’s angel- yes this is nice, but Mom is really the only angel Deana could ever need or want. But Deana does feel very good with Deana’s own special angel because Mom does have lots to do sometimes and this will make Deana feel even more loved!
awww, how sweet! Thank you! I love that she has her own angel. Can’t wait for the blog. Deana is totally relaxed right now, enjoying her evening
and is a very good girl sharing her home with Coco.
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