As we have healing sessions with Coconut and Licorice, we learn so much about them. These two sessions were fascinating as one cat, Coconut enjoys the angels and spirit world while the other, Licorice enjoys the physical world. We thank Mom for sharing their cats with us so we can hear their wonderful stories.
From Mom:
Coconut recently had a red, watery left eye. He doesn’t like the kitty eye drops but I get them in there somehow and it clears up. This only happens once a year or so, but please focus some healing there for him. He is all good but more so lately he seems rather stoic so I hope he’s doing just fine. I can see he’s listening to someone — I hope it’s his angel! But if it’s someone else, clue me in, cat! He’s been jumping up on my dining room table a lot and has been dropping more piles of food around the apartment than usual so I must need some message
Coconut said, Coconut awaits your arrival. Coconut was alerted to the healing energy before it arrived because angel came close and tuned Coconut into the upcoming event! Yes, healing energy is another event in Coconut‘s exciting life. Angel keeps Coconut aware of the things that are relevant to Coconut‘s happiness. Sometimes angel has other spirit animals here to share their love and messages with Coconut. Coconut really loves all the angels and spirits that fill our loving home so.. Coconut SHARES Coconut‘s love and food with all. Sharing is caring for Coconut! Candy said, yes, Coconut you are such a loving and generous Coconut. Now we are sending you all the healing energy to your cells in and around your eye area to promote the healing for Coconut. Coconut, the healing energy will be flowing throughout to encourage Coconut‘s well being. Travel safe and be with the angels..