I have a bit of an issue…Lola continued licking like crazy with an allergy — taking off her fur–so I took her to the Vet yesterday to get a cortisone shot. Mama and Lola were only separated once before, when Lola was fixed, so it has been years–Mama had the same reaction then but only for a short time. Lola and I were gone about an hour and since then Mama has been awful to Lola hissing at her and growling. I hoped it would wear off today while I was at work and I just got home and she is still at it! Lola only wants her Mama–so its killing me, since she isn’t feeling great on top of it. I am leaving on a business trip Thursday, so I am panicked they will continue like this…could you fit Mama in…I would assume working with Mama would be the answer…let me know what you and Candy think! I think Mama since she is for some reason not feeling right towards Lola
Mama said, Mama can see your arrival. Mama’s angel has been really spending so much loving energy with Mama because Mama has been upset. Lola’s aura is different and Mama doesn’t know it. Mama always could sense Lola even when Mama was sleeping but now everything is off. Maybe its off in Mama? Mama doesn’t understand the why’s of things but just knows that there has been a shift.
Candy told Mama, Mama we need you to relax with your special angel while the healing energy goes into your brain and restart it. This will help align your senses to where they were , where you knew Lola with your heart. You will know and see Lola with kindness and respect because Lola lives here too.
Mama said, Mama thinks this is good. Mama’s angel is all wrapped around Mama helping Mama with understanding. Mama does not want to upset Mom. Really, Mama is surrendering to the plan- Love Lola!!
Next day, Mama still adjusting : I think though since the session Lola is handling it better–she was for a bit starting to hiss back but she hasn’t done that since the session. Although her hissing back isn’t very tough–she is sleeping in the other room because Mama is claiming the bed with me. Although at 3am I switched them. I don’t want to separate them though and make it into a bigger deal and create a bigger problem, but I feel so bad for Lola. 🙁 And then after what Mama said in the session I feel terrible for what she is feeling–OH MY!
Candy and I asked Mom to tell Mama that Lola had gone to the Vet to get a shot. We also asked AA Chamuel to help us, Chamuel is great help in relationships.
Then the next night: I came home to hissing tonight and chatted with Mama like you said and told her again about Lola needing to see a Dr. They stayed apart all evening or Mama glared at her.
I just got into bed where Mama was already resting. Lola jumped up a few minutes later- I waited for her to get kicked right off like the last 3 nights. Lola laid down and Mama sniffed right where the cortisone shot was given and put her paw right in the same spot on Lola’s back and then started licking her. 🙂 They are both curled up near each other. Yay!! Thank you thank you thank you. I tried to snap a picture – a little blurry but LOVE for sure!! I am so grateful toall of your help and empathy!! It meant so much!!