They got a lol of new babies added to the group last month. Here’s an excerpt: The orphans browsed calmly throughout the morning until Kandecha led the first group for their milk feed, followed shortly afterwards by the rest. It was again too cool to tempt them into the mudbath, so after a soil dusting session, Olare led them back to browse for the remainder of the day.
As we connected with Olare, we balanced her chakras and then let her chat away!
Olare said, Olare my Olare, that is me! Olare has been busy running after all of Olare’s family and playing. Lots of new babies are here with Olare but they need much more care than Olare can give. They need Olare’s angel Mommy (referring to Candy) to come and feed all the babies and bring more Angel Mommies to help you too!
Candy told Olare we will be sending many angel mommies to help all the people who are caring for Olare and the babies.
Olare said Olare has an angel that is always around Olare and there are lots of angels here with all the elephants. Olare wanders with the group to go to the water to play and drink. Olare loves eating and playing with everyone here because Olare always feels the love and kindness coming to Olare.