Pugsley, the fawn pug (tan), is about 13 years old. He was diagnosed with diabetes in October of last year, for which he takes insulin twice a day. He also has a history of hip dysplasia, which he had surgically repaired when he was a puppy. Pugsley has had back problems in the past which has had treated twice. He had bladder stones about four years ago which were calcium oxalate. He then ended up with bladder stones again last year which were struvite so his food was switched again. Pugsley has always had a problem with being aggressive with me when I try to correct him on a behavior he’s not supposed to be doing or if I try to get him to go into an area he does not want to go to (I put the dogs in the kitchen when I leave because they pee in the house).
Pugsley’s latest problem is that he developed a cough about a month ago and the vet isn’t really sure what the cause is. He’s been to the vet twice for this and they performed a chest x-ray on Friday. Just to make sure, the vet prescribed an antibiotic and a cough medicine with a steroid. The cough doesn’t seem to be improving much and the steroids are making his blood sugar go up because he’s drinking water constantly. He’s also been moping around, like he’s not feeling well.
During Pugsley’s session:
As we connected with Pugsley, Pugsley said, Wow this is not a fun day for Pugsley. Puglsley feels like Pugsley’s body will not pay attention to Pugsley’s commands. Pugsley just feels tired right now. Candy told Pugsley, ok Pugsley we understand how you are feeling we want to help you feel better. Now Pugsley will feel a surge of healing energy flowing to all of your cells. We are also sending Pugsley a special angel to help Pugsley feel safe and protected. Pugsley said Pugsley wonders what can Pugsley’s angel do beside love and protect? Okay Pugsley will find out from the angel. Pugsley like feeling this special. Good plan for Pugsley!
We heard back from Mom:
Thanks so much! I don’t mind at all if you add the boys to your blog.
Pugsley is a little perkier but it still coughing some. He developed yellow nasal drainage a couple of days ago so the vet continued the antibiotics for another week. Cody is a happy boy, as always. He was stiff when we went out earlier but we will see how he improves. Neither one have peed in the house today but there was a poop accident, which was Pugsley. Thanks again!

P.S. I got a kick out of what the boys said!