During the Avesa and Reiki session, Licorice said, Licorice knew you were here! Licorice could feel the healing energy from Coconut’s session. Licorice is glad Licorice is having even more healing energy. Wow this is supercharged cat nip energy healing- good stuff in kittyland! Who is Coconut purring with?The healing energy must really be making Coconut “nuts”, licorice is now laughing. Candy says, ok funny boy Licorice, this energy surge is making you cuter. Licorice we are going to send you your own special angel. Your angel will always stay with you and keep you happy and safe. Licorice said, Licorice is all over this angel pal plan. Yes, Licorice can sense, see and feel Licorice’s angel. Really the most perfect angel for Licorice. Licorice and angel are a perfect match. We are also going to reset your wandering out of the house button, this will allow you to stay indoors and feel happy and content at being home.
From Mom: