During the Avesa and Reiki session, Coconut said, Coconut wonders why you are here. Oh, yes healing energy feels great for Coconut. Mom has really good ideas. Coconut is not avoiding just relaxing in Coconut’s quiet spot. Coconut believes everyone needs a place special for quiet relaxing time. Coconut is still very aware of Mom’s activities and of course Licorice too. Coconut does feel better and Coconut wasnt feeling bad before. Candy said Coconut we are going to send you your very own angel. A quiet angel to keep you safe and comfortable. Your angel will love you and always stay with you. Coconut knows this angel is Mom right? Yes, you have angel Mom and another angel that is only seen by you. Your special angel. Coconut must be a pretty special Coconut to have all these angels. Coconut loves angels A LOT!