If you have been following along with us, we have been giving Olare monthly healing sessions. It all started withOlare, Olare, Olare is my name. Each time we connect with her she has more to say. She is pure sweetness. Her soul is just love. Her essence is love.
Per our email updates: important events have been the transfer of Olare, Kibo and Kandecha to the Ithumba Rehabilitation Unit on the 13th, followed by the move of Murka, Naisula and Kitirua on the l9th, the arrival of all six mysteriously anticipated by all the Ithumba Ex Orphans who turned up to embrace them as “family” and welcome them into the fold. How the Ex Orphans can anticipate such events will always remain one of those mysterious elephant mysteries that defy human explanation, but it always happens, and it happened again this time.
As we connected with Olare, Olare said, Olare says hi to you. Olare is here living a happy time. Olare, Kibo and Kandecha are all playing , eating and napping together. Olare wants to know every elephant here and Olare wants to be part of everything that is going on. Kibo stays back, sometimes just eats. Not Olare, no, Olare is out and looking to help to take care o of the new babies. Olare loves baby elephants. Olare tries to be the helper. Olare even tells all the angels to come along and Olare and Olare’s band of Angels visit every elephant that Olare can. Olare sometimes goes up to the big elephants to be with them. Olare is part of the family and Olare is a happy Olare!
After our session, Candy and I said, what a sweetheart, we picked the right one to foster. What a love she is!!
I just love Olare so much!
Thanks for the comments Karen. Its amazing to just see her evolve each month._
Just looking into Olare’s eyes in the top picture made my spirit open up! She has such intelligence and presence! She is a beautiful being. I feel more at peace looking at her picture. How I wish I could experience her energy in person – that would truly be an amazing experience. She makes me feel joyful at a deep level. I will keep her picture near-by to help me stay in this open, joyful place. Thank you for sharing her with us.
Avery, thank you for the comments! It has truly been a wonderful journey for us to give this baby elephant healing. She is such the sweetest soul. As one of the other commenters said, perhaps Olare is the healer in her group… she brings the angels with her to all of them. Glad that her picture brings peace to you! She would love that.