Then we heard back from THE Mama 🙂 :
She loved you too. It was amazing to watch…I could see her see each energy come through…she even sniffed. She greeted everyone who came (angels galore) and then relaxed in, curled up, but kept her eyes open. Her ears were twitching in different directions hearing all that was coming through from different parts of spirit. Then she finally closed her eyes and relaxed…she popped back up at 7:31 and STRETCHED! hahaha and looked at me and BIG meow! A few meows–like telling me all the happened. The meowing is so funny that she talked about that…she meows ALLLL the time. She is VERY chatty. I felt the energy as well. I got a little teary about 12 minutes in, but bookended by such uplifting light energy…Lola stayed passed out on the couch the whole time. Mama was on the other side of the room in her tree. She now is on the arm of the chair looking out at the water–very very sleepy eyed and relaxed! I am so happy you chatted with her and she feels good. I was so happy to hear she is happy and knows how highly I think of her, not only do I love her to pieces, so amazing respect came out…AMAZING! I am so blessed you left us an angel–I will certainly have a little tribute place kept in my home to acknowledge and thank Mama’s angel!! I love it!