This is an amazing testimonial because the wonderful lady wrote to us before she read what Spirit said to her. So we got to hear her experience! So much gratitude to her for letting us share it here. This was her 2nd session, she was so excited after her first session of how things in her life greatly shifted. Here’s her email and after the email is our report to her.
Amazing experience. I wanted to share even before you sent me your thoughts! So much different than last time…last time I had felt so much anger in the beginning last time. I remember I kept saying wow so much anger and then after a few minutes I felt the urge to turn over and fell asleep.
Then our report to her:
Spirit says continue to appreciate the beauty within you and in others you meet. This will allow everyone to come to know what an amazing woman you are inside and out. Happiness resides not in your possessions or your bank accounts but the feeling of happiness dwells deep in your soul. This feeling will also let the weight you no longer wish to carry fall away. Your soul will free you from where you are hiding!
We sent the Avesa and Reiki to your entire physical body as well from head to toe.
Continue on the same path you are going, your life will make amazing shifts and you will co create the life that you want!
WOW–I don’t even know what to say…I am amazed. I having been feeling guided to those very thoughts very strongly lately–so much in fact I was just talking about the material piece with my friend right before the session…I also said to her I kept feeling that the path to my success is in just showing me to people and that letting go of all the material items would actually bring me the most success…I am amazed. My intention was to let go, let go of the weight, the self loathing, the fear and let god guide me to my highest good for the good of all or not all. Lead me….
I am grateful for your gifts and touched! Thank you Thank you Thank you