We received an email from a wonderful lady in S. Africa:
So wonderful isn’t it, what a surprise that you can fit me in so quickly, thank you so very much!
Yes my main issues is :Abdominal; but I have also been suffering a lot of (mid to lower) back-, neck-, jaw- and headache’s. I suppose it could be due to stress. Taking care of my elderly parents especially my mother (being virtually unable to walk and suffering of Alzheimer’s) takes a lot of my energy, and might very well be the main cause of my backaches 🙂
As we sent her Avesa and Reiki healing energy to her entire physical body:
Spirit says now that your chakras have been aligned and balanced you will feel the calm that has been missing in your life. This peaceful feeling is very important for you to get renewed. you cannot offer a thirsty man a drink if your vessel is empty. Renew, replenish, revive YOURSELF first and foremost. You need to put YOURSELF on the schedule every day. Being a caregiver is a demanding job that requires enormous patience. You can only do this when you are feeling FULL first. You know how to care for your parents, be kind. Being old and dependent can be sad for them. Kindness gives them the
respect and understanding they need. You can do this when you are taking care of YOU too. YOU first then all others get in line.
We are also sending angels to be with your parents to love and protect them on their journey as well.
Then we heard back the next day :
Dearest Ming and Candy,
Thank you very much for your kind service and Angel healing. Thank you too on behalf of my “oldies” for the awesome angels ! I’m very glad to report that I felt an enormous sense of calm and peace saw beautiful colours and felt a lot of energy before falling asleep! I woke up refreshed at 04h35 this morning and … 🙂
My jaw (which was actually very painful) and neck is much better and even my backache has subsided.I seem to have a mild pain in my left shoulder/back area that run down my left arm a bit but otherwise I can’t complain at all I feel really much better today than what I have for quite a while :)I thank you and the angels very much, I can only
now realise quite how low I felt. Oh yes and last but not least, I woke with quite a strange sensation in my abdomen nearly feeling (not in a bad way) like I have had an “operation” and something has been removed or repaired !?! And up until this moment I have not had any of my usual symptoms and or pain. Wow!