So if you are following along, this is the session on Madison who lives with Keegan. (Coco Chanel and Harry come to visit) Its so funny that she says the “cat snatchers” have taken Keegan away. We sent Madison a Reiki wellness session while she communicated.
As we connected with Madison,
Madison said Madison is so happy you came for Madison. Madison is feeling all the energy around from Coco Chanel and Keegan’s sessions too. Now Madison gets a session also. Mom is concerned because Keegan who Madison believes has taken by the CAT SNATCHERS and then this new not improved version of Keegan has been sent to replace our Keegan. Madison sits with Mishma and we both watch in amazement at the craziness. Madison does feel love from Mom always and Mishma really does protect Madison too. Madison feels very centered right now. All Madison, Mom and once even Keegan wanted was to live in peace and harmony. Maybe girls can’t have any real joy with one boy running things. Madison and the whole family really has a loving and lovely life. Madison is happy to see so many angels with Keegan giving Keegan the extra love and attention to help. Madison feels the love.
After the session, Mom wrote:
I have to say I am blessed with some of the funniest cat companions! She nailed it though, it is like our sweet little boy was taken by the “Cat Snatchers.” I have such a strong visual of Madison and Mishma sitting on top of the cat tree watching Keegan the tornado running around shaking their heads at him. I should have asked you to remind Madison of her kitten days when she used to climb the curtains backwards straight up the wall chasing her tail as she went 😉 It warms my heart that she feels the love and that she has Mishma to protect her as well. I am glad despite the crazyness she is centered and happy.