We get updates and pictures of Olare as she is growing as well as following her on their FB page. We had heard that Kongit the new baby had crossed over. We figured it was time to connect and send healing to Olare again! Look how big Olare is growing! She is taking care of all the little ones coming in.
Olare said Olare needs this big hug all around. Olare saw the angels coming when baby got ready to leave. The angels took baby and now they are loving and protecting baby. Olare feels sad because Olare wanted to make baby feel so good. Olare likes this love and attention from you. Olare likes it from everyone. Olare will be fine because Olare has a job to do. Olare needs to play soon, sleep, eat and play some more. Olare is happy you came.
Suzanne Parks Zilembo says
This is so sweet. How beautiful her soul seems !
Reiki Fur Babies says
Thanks Suzanne for the comment. Yes, Olare’s soul is very sweet. She is a very loving elephant!
Barbara Pinelli says
I absolutely love elephants ……What a sweet sweet soul
Reiki Fur Babies says
Thanks for the comment Barbara!! Yes, Olare has such a sweet soul and heart.. We love sending her healing!