Post by Candy.
I have always been a real believer in a hand written thank you note. It gives me the time to sit and really express my heartfelt thanks to the person who spent their time and money, to show me how special I am to them. When writing each note I feel this my connection to the person I am penning the note. There is a ritual involved in this simple thank you note. I first go into my office and think about the person who I am going to write the note to. Next I open a file drawer that has hundreds of cards. Hundreds you say? Well I may have a small obsession/addiction with acquiring these cards. Now I go carefully through the cards to select the one that has the sentiments that I wish to convey the to the recipient. I then with pen in hand begin to express the gratitude in my heart for their thoughtfulness. This has been a ceremony of mine since childhood. With great pride I tell you this is something no one ever taught me but this came from deep inside a little girl who was always grateful. I have tried to instill this lovely tradition onto my children but it was like force feeding the darlings. I continued with my oldest grand daughter, who with reminding does send out the notes. Some she has sent on her own without pressure from a helpful Grandmother.
Yesterday I’m watching CNN, and they start talking about a book. 365 thank you : The year a simple act of daily gratitude changed my life by John Kralik. No, he is not one of my children that finally got the lesson and the rewards. He’s just a guy who was on the brink of losing everything. Lost money, failed marriage, losing a lease, living in misery when he woke up, and changed his karma. His life is now filled with the joy he was giving by writing those beautiful little thank you notes.
As each note is given, so is our intention. The universe understands this and the shift begins. The more you give, the more you get! People sometimes think this is about stuff, when the value each of us has is sharing our love, our words, and our good intentions for each other. Remember, our thoughts, our words, our prayers all have the power to transform our lives, and the lives of others. I know this because this is my truth!