This session was very sweet and funny too. Candy heard spanish first thing. One other time she heard a cat speak Italian. Turns out that cat had lived in Italy for sometime. Animals are just amazing. Well, this bichon said she spoke spanish, english and doglish! We gave her a session just for wellness and balance.
As we connected with Tinkerbell, first thing she said was Como Sayama. Candy and I both don’t speak spanish but we told her who we are and that we were going to send her some healing energy. We told her our names are Candy and Ming. Tinkerbell said her name is Tinks. Tinks said Tinks can speak Spanish, English and Doglish. Whatever is needed for Tinks to be heard? Ok, English it is! Tinks sees all the angels and they have told Tinks that they were here because Tinks is so loved and special. Tinks always feels loved and Tinks does like all the calming gentle way each angel came to see Tinks. Each Archangel took the time to go to Tinks, pet Tinks and send healing energy to Tinks. Tinks does like this. Tinks says sweet just like Tinks. Healing energy flowing through Tinks’ precious body sounds so wonderful Tinks says. Tinks does like to be in charge so Tinks is very happy with the information that Tinkscan have this healing energy work on Tinks “command” ! Tinks was told that Tinks can ask the angels to help her at anytime. Tinks is really having “party” right now in her body. Tinks said, Tinks Reiki party! Tinks body is celebrating and Tinks says Thank you, mucho gracias.
We heard from her Mama:Well, right about 10am, she was in her tent with Amber and she picked up her head, and perked her little ears up slightly as if she was hearing something, she would make short turning head movements, then licked her lips like she does when she is being petted. She also made those soft very low almost whiney noises which she does when she seems like she wants to say something, instead of barking out loud. After a few minutes, she just put her head down and closed her eyes, very peacefully. I could feel the energy, I got goosebumps, and my husband said he felt warm energy around too! Thank you and Candy from the bottom of my heart – I love you two for giving us this gift, for doing what you do, and for just reaching out to me & to Tinkerbell, it touches us all.
Amazing report!! My daughter & I thought is was so funny about her Spanish inquiry. You know she spent a few years living w/ my mom, so it’s no surprise she knows Spanish. At one point my mom said she had transformed her into a Spanish speaking dog haha, maybe thats why she barks at us so much, she wants to speak Spanish LOL. She looks happy, and Ashlens says “she gives a whole new meaning to being a ‘party animal’.” Wonderful stuff, thank you again and again!!
In Spanish, “come se llama” means “what’s your name?”.
Soooo cute! I’m glad Tinks enjoyed the Reiki so much. 🙂
Thanks Firle for the comments, that’s what we figured it was. We told her our names!
Hi Ming & Candy, you blogged this perfectly. Tinkerbell has since calmed her barking into just a couple of excitement barks and she tries her best to quiet down when told to ever since the session. Its so funny! She and Amber have an angel reiki pillow now, too!
Wow Lori, thanks for the update!! Tinks is so cute. Blessings to you, Tinkerbell and Amber too!