As we connected with Olare this time, again we explained to her what we were doing. We told her we were sending healing energy and that she too would have the ability to activate the healing within her (activating her wellness center within) She replied GOOD! Olare said she liked the tingling feeling that begins when you connect with Olare. So many people take care of Olare. Olare wants to help too. All of us do. Whenever a new baby arrives, there is a lot of excitement. Olare gets excited and runs to participate. Everyone does too. Olare has so much fun running after everyone. Olare is happy that you chose Olare to be connected to! (Then she runs off)
Part of our letter said this,
In September we had one rhino rescued and three orphaned elephants rescued. First was the rescue of a two year old elephant calf found bogged in the black cotton mud of the Ithumba Dam by Head Ithumba Unit Elephant Keeper, Benjamin, who most fortunately just happened to pass by taking a load of rocks needed for the new borehole sunk by the Trust. This orphan, rescued on the 24th, and named Ithumbah” was taken directly to the Ithumba Stockades rather than flown to the Nairobi Nursery. A Plane was then chartered to fly all the medication, instructions and advice needed for the new orphan who would be raised in situ under the care of the resident Elephant Keepers at Ithumba, Benjamin.
It has been a happy and healing month for all the Nursery elephants and a joy for us to witness their recovery, their happiness and the love they have for their Keepers. Suguta and Olare, as the two oldest females, share the Matriarchal responsibility of little Sities, who remains the darling of the Nursery who charms all the human visitors with her personality and antics, running up and down the cordon. The proximity of several of the remaining Nairobi Park lions and their loud roaring around the compound at night has un-nerved the Nursery entourage somewhat, especially the Night Milk Mixer and the resident warthogs! However, so far the pigs seem to have managed to evade being eaten, and have since been diligent about remaining close to the elephants and their Keepers during the hours of daylight, whilst they keep well secluded at night! Several have had newborn young recently.