I have been getting many questions from various people either email or just asking me about their pets and if they are ascending too. Yes, they are. You saw how happy my yellow lab was when I asked her. As Candy says, the animals have no ego. Today’s session with the kitty Max certainly hit it home. I also have been seeing a lot of disturbing things in the news regarding animals as well. So I shot over an email to Alanna. She has graciously asked a message for all Reiki Fur Babies followers!! Yay!! Thank you so much Alanna and to the Highest Masters and Teachers of Light.
On 10-18-10 I asked the Highest Masters and Teachers of Light to please channel a message through me for the Reiki Fur Babies followers. Below is word for word what they said. Enjoy!
“The animals are here to help the humans. They are very wise. They sense and feel energy just as many humans do but the difference is that animals pay attention to it always. Humans often ignore what they are feeling or sensing because they second guess themselves. Their egos bring up fear and they doubt what they are feeling or they just don’t want to believe or accept it. Animals never ignore their intuition. Humans could learn a lot from the animals.
There is much transition happening in the world today. This does not need to be scary, so please stop being afraid. Change can be very good. The more fear you have the more challenging the change will be. Animals sense humans fear too. Sometimes animals will take it on energetically to help the humans transmute it. They are providing a loving act of service when they do that. Animals also want to help humans to heal on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We encourage you to be open to receiving their help. Animals will often want to lick, touch or lay on humans. When they are doing this they are often trying to help transmute energy for you. Animals who are out in the wilderness are working to help transmute the earth energy right now. In one way or another they are all working toward the same cause – Peace. It’s the same thing the angels and masters and teachers of light are here trying to help you with – Peace. With peace comes many other wonderful qualities – joy, love, compassion, acceptance, abundance, etc.
What can you do to move into more peace? We encourage you to take small steps each day, even if it’s only for seconds at a time, to experience inner peace. In doing so, you will send a ripple of peace outward supporting others in moving into a place of peace as well. Can you imagine what would happen if everyone reading this would take one minute out of their day, each day, to go inside to the place of inner peace and through intention send peace out to the world for the highest good? No, you probably can’t even begin to imagine the miracles that could be created. It is such a simple thing to do and something that could make a big difference. Take our word for it and give it a try.
Love yourself, love the other humans on your planet, love your animals and all animals for you are all in this experience together, going through it together. No one is separate from anyone, anything or any experience. It is time to support and encourage each other. This why you are not alone, ever. There is a built in Divine support team with you always and a built in human support team as well. Just about anywhere you go on earth you can find other humans. We have put them there for a reason. Support each other.
Know that you are loved now and always. We send you peace and blessings.
Until we meet again,
The Highest Masters and Teachers of Light”
Absolutely love this! Thank you.
Thanks for the comments Caren. It is truly a wonderful message!