We got a request to help this little dog who started “whining” a few months back. Mom thought maybe she was having some pain?
When we connected with her she was very cute. Lily said, that “whining” is talking. Lily wants Mom to know not everyone has the most pleasant voice. Lily does have needs and Lily knows that Lily is a little needy too.
Lily took in the energy like a thirsty child! Lily drank in every ounce that came Lily’s way. Lily is now aware that Lily can draw upon whenever Lily needs it. The angels were very moved by Lily. They said they would spend time with Lily so Lily has someone to listen to Lily. Lily liked that idea! The angels will love and protect Lily!
We were very happy to report to Mom that Lily was not “whining” and not in pain. Mom told us later that yes, Lily is still “talking” but seems very happy!