We received this email from a new client: Mittens has been doing her business outside the litter box for the past approximately 2 months. She has been to the vet and she is ok. She does not seem to have any illness that we can detect. Thank God the litter box is in the garage. We cannot understand why she is doing it. We have tried everything we can think of. Hugs and thank you both ahead of time for whatever help you might be able to give.
When we connected with Mittens and heard what she had to say we realized that she was “forgetting”.. she’s 16 now and the reason the Vet couldn’t find anything wrong was because it was in her brain.
Thank you for all your kind and loving energy towards Mittens. I know she feels the love. She was lying peaceful in the upstairs hallway from from6:45 until 7:11. That is when she came downstairs because she smelled the turkey bacon! She hasn’t forgotten the smell that is for sure. I will watch her over the next couple weeks and keep you updated on her progress. She goes right outside the box all the time so I will put another box right there and see if that helps.
Thanks so much and I send love and blessings back to both of you.