So we got this email :I have also been thinking of have a session for my 3 year old Molly (part Papillion, part Pomeranian, all white fur with blue eyes). She is my guardian and is a healthy girl. I got her 2 years ago even though everyone told me she was un-adoptable because she bit anyone who got near her. She was just soooo scared! I took her home and within and hour she was in my lap being held. She gives the BEST doggie hugs too! There is nothing wrong with her, but I think she would enjoy the feeling of well being Reiki gives and I would like to see if there is anything bothering her physically and to see what she is thinking of all this! I’ve attached a picture of her so you can she her pretty face!
What a sweetie. We can see why you love her so much. Molly right away said, Molly loves it here. Molly loves it there. Molly loves Mom and Molly loves Molly’s entire family. Molly is one very special girl. Only Mom could see how much Molly wanted someone to love Molly and be nice to Molly. Molly is happy and can always feel the energy when Bobo and Teddy are having the energy come to Bobo and Teddy. It feels different this time. Molly could feel the energy Bobo and Teddy received
today and it was way more because Molly could feel it inside Molly too. Way inside Molly. Now Molly could feel you sending “special” energy to Molly’s heart and Molly’s inside body. Are you God? (We told Molly we were not God but sending her
loving Avesa and Reiki) Molly said God would like this too, Molly is sure.
Hearing back from Mom: Oh that is definitely Molly! She was sniffing Bobo during his session and looking at me like “when is it my turn?”. I told her to wait, she would have some Reiki this time right after Bobo and Teddy. She guffed at me – she “talks” all the time and was really talking during the boy’s sessions! She is the brightest little girl, always wanting to see what I am doing and expressing her opinion about it. I even have to put here up on a stool so she can watch me cook – and she tells me what to do while she is there! And she gives what I call “hugs” where she climbs up on you, puts her paws on either side of your neck and presses her head on the side of your neck. I‘ve never had a dog that would hug before! Asking if you are God then deciding God would like Reiki too is so Molly. She is a sweet girl and I love her dearly. I still can’t believe that she was considered “un-adoptable”. She is the best behaved, most loving little girl.
Thanks for giving her Reiki and answering her questions.
You are very special people and, with your permission, I would like to send a special prayer to the ancestors for you, and I would also like to dance in your honor at my next PowWow.
Molly is running round and round in the house then outside then back in just out of sheer joy! And doing doggie laughs as she goes. Bobo is bouncing about and barking at her as she runs past. Teddy is on the ottoman (keeping out of the way) and is chirping and talking and digging up the lap blanket and egging everyone else on! Everyone is just HAPPY!
When Molly asked if we were God? She sensed something so spiritual and profound to the deepest core of her soul. WOW!!! To be able to bring this gift and blessing to our client. What a centering and blessing. When Molly’s Mom told us after the session that Molly was running around the house in pure joy what a smile that brings to my heart and mouth. I don’t think I will ever forget what Bobo and Molly have said. It just vibrates through my being.
Wow, another human that came back as a Molly…..what a sweetie, and to say GOD would like reiki too!! I love how smart animals are, and Molly’s mom thank you for taking the time to understand Molly and see through why Molly was biting everyone else but you ..she sits in your lap .Molly knew exactly what she was doing when she chose you to be her new mom!!! Thank GOD for both of you!!!
Thanks Wendy for the comments! Yes, it really was something. We have not had another dog say that quite like that! Very sweet. Animals are very wise. We love to give back to them!