So in between Bobo and Molly we gave Teddy his Reiki Avesa session!
As we connected with Teddy after we sent the healing to his entire body.. I could see the archangels sending healing through their hands too. It was awesome!
he said, Teddy is such a good Teddy! Teddy was trying not to get too excited when Bobo was having his Reiki ++++*session! Bobo is very happy inside. Teddy knows what happened and Teddy loves it. Teddy and Bobo love their new home. And now you are back inside Teddy. This makes Teddy feel relaxed and excited at the same time. Its like hot and cold, sweet and sour two sensations at the same time. Wow this was a great ride for Teddy!!
Then we heard back from Mom:
Teddy was very bright eyed and excited when Bobo was getting his session. He climbed up on me and was wiggling and kissing and looking into my eyes! I told him it was OK, just wait a little and he would have his turn too. He was soooo happy! I rubbed him for a bit then set him on his pillow. When his session started he stretched and laid his head down and just relaxed. He’s back up here with his little eyes sparkling at me right now! I think he is trying to type too!
What he said sounds so like Teddy – especially since we’ve been up here at the new house. He loves it here – especially laying on the top step of the porch! He’s been doing very well health wise too. He is such a scamp! You’ve helped him so much!
What a bond that Teddy and Bobo share. Just loved hearing that from him. We laughed when Teddy said he was getting a Reiki “plus plus plus plus”. Isn’t that amazing the the fur babies know too that our Reiki has changed! It just plain awesome!
I hear that Teddy is still very happy !!!
Karen Goosic says
I’m there in spirit giving Teddy a hug. He reminds me of a little hedgehog.
I had a dog named Oso and her favorite toy was her hedgehog….acually she thought it was her baby. she took such good care it it. Oso isnt with me anymore but is in spirit and anything that reminds me of hedgehogs is special to me.
Sending much love to Teddy.
Reiki Fur Babies says
Karen, my dog Sammy Diva has a hedgehog too 🙂 Teddy is a cutie isn’t he? Thanks for the comments!