There will be 3 posts for 3 dogs that we gave healing sessions to in one night. I knew the energy was just going to ROCK her home. We started with the eldest of 17 down to the 2 year old. This was our first time to combine Avesa with Reiki. It was totally awesome.
As we connected with Bobo, he said, yes, this is Bobo and this is new stuff today! Bobo loves the chakra energy lighting up inside Bobo. This is wonderful for Bobo because Bobo is inside with Bobo’s spirit. See it doesn’t matter how old Bobo is because inside Bobo it has no age. Bobo is smart about all this spiritual stuff because Bobo is in Bobo’s spirit a lot and Bobo is wise. Bobo knows knowledge comes with age.
We sensed such a contentment with Bobo. Who knew Bobo was so wise and intuitive. WOW!!! He understands the new energy better than alot of people. We gave a special thanks to Bobo for the honor.
We heard back from Mom : I could tell when you started with Bobo – He relaxed and laid down with his head on my knee and closed his eyes. He took lots of deep breaths too. He is all stretched out and relaxed now. He opened his eyes and gave me lots of kissies and I rubbed his neck and loved him. He would look at me and had such a happy feel to him! He has really blossomed with all the Reiki he’s been getting. I have someone who watches the babies during the day for me when I have to be away at work. He says Bobo has been very much “there” and so calm and assured. He definitely noticed a difference in Bobo and said that he seems much stronger and happier. I agree! I know he likes his new house. I am sooo happy that Bobo is content. I have to tell you that Bobo has always been wise. When I first got him, my Mom lived with us and was very sad because she had lost her fur baby of 15 years. Bobo took one look at her and decided that she was his “project” and worked so hard to encourage her. When she got terminal cancer, he was with her all the time and would bring her toys and hug her. He was with her when she passed. He also helped another fur baby I had named Sam and taught him that is was OK to play and be undignified even though he was old. Bobo took care of Mama and Sam both during their last days. He is one special boy.
Its one thing to know deep inside me the new energy of Avesa and to feel it flowing through me. Now it’s a completely different other thing to have a 17 year old dog say it. After Bobo said the energy was spiritual and it was chakra energy I was floored. All along I have said the animals are here to teach us. They have taught us how Reiki even works, how its not just them that gets the energy but everyone around them. They all get the healing. But now with this new energy combined the animals know that its different. I cannot imagine how the planet will be as this spiritual energy keeps spreading. No wonder the angels want this! Talk about a massive ripple effect. I always say if all of us can be at peace, one at a time, each person, each pet what a profound effect that would be on our planet.
Update comments from Mom: FYI – I had Bobo in the vets this weekend because of a worm issue, and she was amazed at how well he was doing! She said he looks better than he has in a long time. His blood work was all normal and he was at a good weight. Bobo always likes to go to the vet because she gives him cookies, and he ended up in her lap in the floor eating cookies and giving kisses. The vet said “I don’t know what you’re doing but keep it up!” I told her about reiki and she said she’d heard of it and if this was the result she was going to have to look into it for other patients.