This was an amazing Archangel attunement. Just for the last sentence. Candy said she had never heard the Archangels say..(you’ll have to read the last sentence) Its profound because really that’s what we’re here for. We’re here for the fur babies of the world. So we were so TOUCHED that they Archangels said…
Dear Sarah,We can see you waiting for the Archangels. You’re in such a relaxed state as each Archangel approaches you. Archangel Michael sends you his blue ray of protection to your crown chakra and it flows into all of your chakra’s down to your toes! Its like your body has become
translucent and each Archangel’s color flows through you. Then comes Archangel Jophiel with yellow rays flowing through you giving you wisdom and again flowing down to your toes. Archangel Chamuel with his pink rays come as well flowing through you. Then Archangel Gabriel with his white rays bring purity and harmony. Next is Archangel Raphael with all of his green healing energies! Archangel Uriel with his gold rays of peace flowing down all your chakras and then Archangel Zadkiel with his purple ray of freedom! After this wonderful ceremony, all the Archangels surround you and again fill you with their love and protection. They said Sarah, we will always be with you and for you. They said they are now going to be with Sweet Pea.
We heard back from Sarah:
Thank you Ming, Candy, archangels, white tiger, coyote for this sacred teaching, sharing, for being with me, for my many blessings (and for sweet peas many blessings today, too). All of my dogs were relaxing in my bedroom with me. some lying in my bed, some lying in their beds or on the floor. we all got to experience the archangels together. I felt some very intense energy flowing thru me . my hands and feet were vibrating with it-as happens when i practice reiki. wow. even now I feel energy waves washing over me . My archangels were so happy to acknowledge and unite with my family of sacred teachers, angels, guardian angels, ….maybe like a happy reunion? It was so happy.
Awww they even mentioned Sweet Pea. I just knew she was extra special.
Ok this is the 3rd time in a few days someone mentioned they felt vibrations. I’ve not experienced this…yet but hope the archangels will be with me and send me this one day.
Hi Karen, thanks for the comments! Yes, Sweet Pea is a very special dog. She is bringing her foster Mama so many blessings. Just ask the archangels and angels. Tell them you want to feel them. They will answer you!