We got this request for her toy pomeranian: My other old man is teddy bear, a 14 year old toy Pomeranian (4.5 pounds). He was rescued from a puppy mill and has been with me for 6 years now. He has pulmonary hypertension, systemic hypertension and the Dr says if he was a human he would be on a lung transplant list. there isn’t much they can do except give him meds to reduce the pressure, but it isn’t going to fix it. the Dr says he will get worse no matter what we do. I also want to make sure he is getting what he needs and there is nothing else I can do to help him feel better.
When we connected with Teddy, he said HELLO in such a spunky voice. He said ready to go. Teddy is always ready to go. Anywhere.. Teddy feels like a dynamo on the inside but the rest of Teddy can’t always keep up with Teddy’s mind. Big plans for Teddy is my motto, even if its going across the room! Mom worries about Teddy and Bobo but I know Teddy has it as good as it gets. Teddy is a pretty happy satisfied guy living here in love. Teddy is very loved and cared for. So Teddy feels at peace about everything.
This is what I love about Teddy. He certainly didn’t sound like a an old guy or even a sick dog. He sounded happy! We sent Reiki to his lungs and to all of his cells to bring down his hypertension. What was so funny is that he said BIG PLANS for Teddy is my motto EVEN if its moving across the room. What joy this dog has. If we all did that with each breath we took with gratitude what a difference this world would be.
Then when we heard back from Teddy’s Mom we were thrilled!!!! Candy is always so thankful and we are still in awe that we get such wonderful feedback after the sessions!
Mama said:
I had to read again and let everything soak in a few minutes. I really thank you for talking to teddy. That is his voice to a “T”. He is always ready to go whenever something is happening. I used to drive back and forth to LA from Sacramento for work and he would come with me. He had SUCH a good time. He figured out the elevator, knew just which other rooms had girl dogs in them and new that Momma would only let the leash out so far to keep him safe. He loves to go with me and is always talking. Since he’s slowed down and finds it harder to get up and down, he has figured out he can come ask me to be put up on the couch, bed, chair, where ever I am. I just want him to feel safe and loved and free to be Teddy.
The power animals were right there with me too. I always believe that if you expect good things and believe in good things, good things happen. Sometimes we have to accept that what is given to you is not always what we thought we wanted, but it IS what we need. I have been in a good place for the last little while and enjoying the energy of it. So Goose is absolutely right. Goose is a bird, and as a Native American, I believe that birds are messengers, and the Goose is a powerful one. I also have been working in a situation and with a set of goals that I KNOW I can reach. Giraffe is right with that one. I like giraffe’s a lot. They always seem to be happy!
I will give Teddy extra cuddles and tell him that I love him.
Thank you so much!!
Tanya, CA
I love this story. Knowing that Teddy is happier than I expected, makes my day. Thank you for sharing this.
Thanks Karen for the comments! Yes, we were very happy to find that out too as was his Mama!!
Teddy had his check up on Friday and the Dr said he was “over the moon” about how well Teddy is doing! Teddy’s pressure was down in his lungs and his blood pressure is normal. The Dr was very excited that teddy was “spunky and alert” and was very happy and bright eyed! Thanks so much for Reiki!!!
Teddy’s Mom
Tanya, thank you so much for updating us!!! That’s wonderful and awesome news!!! Yay for Teddy!!
Go Teddy…Go Teddy!!!
I will also send Reiki to you Teddy, you are such a little angel…
I’m getting so many good things happening around you, many angels!!!
Reiki is amazing and never under estimate the power of energy and prayer.
yes Wendy you are so correct! Reiki is amazing! Thanks for the comments!