My Xmas present from Mark was a trip to Fiji. He told me to continue working and so we did. Candy and I had 4 clients this week. All went well. That’s the awesome part about Reiki is that you can be anywhere anytime. Time and space is not an issue.
Vacations are a good way for me to recharge. Lots of times we just kick back and read. The last few years the books I read are all about angels and spiritual growth. The taste for the other novels seemed to have gone away at least for now.
There has yet another shift going on inside me. But this one didn’t seem to be that exciting. Rather this one is somewhat annoying causing me really to look for answers. One beautiful morning I woke up excited to take a day trip to Mala Mala where we would have the island to ourselves. I felt to check my bank account (not something I normally do on vacation) but things have been really tough this month going into June. As I peered into the account I saw negative. What? I was shocked. I couldn’t breathe. I just stared as if I must have missed something. I stared again. For the first time in almost 15 years I did not get my paycheck. Clearly something was wrong. After several calls into work we HOPE that this is straightened out.
I was angry. I was scared. I was frustrated. I immediately asked the angels to calm me and take away my fears. I did feel a bit calmer. But as I sat and waited for our transport, tears started to flow. Had I not been grateful enough? What am I not doing right? I even texted Candy. She said she’d send me Reiki.
When I saw the ocean and how beautiful it is. So calming and quiet. I sat in the water and let it just flow over me. I told the ocean my story and asked the ocean to take away my fears. Joy came. I heard let go and let God. Okay. I can do that. I just let everything go and I mean everything. It was like a baptism. (I was baptized when I was 12 in my Christian church) but this felt like another transformation. All the animal totems this entire week kept telling me the same thing. .. transformation is coming.. though steady and slow. (Not my personality!)
As I sat in the ocean and walked along the ocean, all these thoughts kept coming at me. I picked up two red and white corals held them in my hand. I gave them Reiki and walked up down the beach. I heard and felt Spirit saying it will be okay. When I looked up I saw 9 albatross abve my head as well.
The animals I saw this week were frogs. toads, cows, brown horse, white horse, bats, birds, and then goats. I saw 5 goats. Goats said stop butting your head against the wall. Ah, that’s what I was doing. Just holding on too tight. It was time to let go. I had been going at such warp speed all the way up to the trade show I figured I’d just keep speeding into the Universe. Nope, it was time to stop, slow down and let go.
Thinking back, I do always get some healing from the ocean. Even in high school, we’d go to the beach and I remember staring into it while peaceful thoughts would come.
If there is a place where you receive healing, be it the ocean, the mountains, hiking.. go there when you need to. Don’t forget.
You know the saying about healers needing to take time to receive healing as well as give it?
Glad you found your “place”, the ocean (well, sea will do!) works well for me too, I love being able to just see the water.
Take it easy 🙂
You are right Caz, and I’m the one that always says that. I appreciate the comments. I’m looking forward to some more “ocean” time as well. We all need to take the time to recharge and we all the reminder as well. Thanks, Ming