We got this request originally because the family could not find the her. But within the span of getting together with Candy, she was found. But turtle’s Auntie said it would be a mother’s day gift for her MIL! Cool. I was excited to Reiki another turtle!
I was even talking to some people at the recent convention about giving to Reiki to turtles and how they too have things to say! This turtle was so different from the other turtle we had a session for. Paddles is one happy turtle! It was such an honor to send her healing energy!
Hi Ming,
If you have any time tonight, can you do some reiki on this turtle? It’s my mom in-law’s. She escaped today and has been gone for several hours. She cannot go very long without water as she is a red slider turtle. My mil has had her since 1995, she was the reason that she created a little pond/sanctuary in her backyard for red slider turtles. The turtle’s name is paddles.
Paddles is so funny! She said: Relax- its a beautiful day in the life of Paddles. I get all of my needs taken care of every minute of
everyday. I swim, I eat, I sleep, I poop, I crawl, and I investigate my surroundings daily. Just to make sure things are where they are supposed to be is what Paddles does. This Reiki feels wonderful, it makes me want to climb out of my shell-no, not really. But it feels good on my cool body. I can feel it inside me. WOW. I see, I told you the life of this turtle is F A B U L O U S (as she spelled it out)
(picture is not of Paddles)
I just love turtles…I’ve loved turtles since I was a kid, yes that was a very, very long time ago.
Paddles come complete with Spell-check!!! LOVE IT!!!!
Comments from FB:
Erin Tierney Noooo wayyy!!! LOL giggle! Wonderful! Blessings to paddles!!
Nathalie Marchois j’adore les tortues
I love turtles (Translated by Bing)
Looking Glass Therapies Turtles are the best! 🙂