So I’ve been eyeing this rabbit for a year now. Well, he belongs to a client of ours. We have given Reiki to her beloved Sophie the siamese cat who helps us Reiki all the time! We have also given Reiki to her beautiful and insightful horse. But I thought I’d love to Reiki her rabbit. Why? Maybe it’s because I have never given Reiki to a rabbit. Maybe it’s because I had a grey rabbit named Thumper growing up and I missed him. I loved seeing pictures of Rosco on their Facebook page. Here he was under the Christmas tree, here he is doing this and that. Then he got his own fan page! He made me laugh so hard. I knew Candy would think I was crazy but this rabbit gave me so much joy.
The day had come. His Mom said we could Reiki him!! I was so excited, I screamed in joy! Candy just looked at me. How did I know this rabbit was going to not only entertain me but give me a lesson as well?
Here’s what Rosco said:
Rosco said, I’m feeling so warm and wonderful. And you call this Reiki. Rosco is a BIG FAN. This feels like its way inside me, deep in every tissue and I can feel like its way inside me deep in every tissue and I can feel it in every single hair follicle. You just melt and become so relaxed, yet you can feel the healing energy way down and slowly works on all my everything!
This was a GREAT idea, was it mine? (I know it was Mom <smiling>)
I really appreciate the fact that my family “gets” me. They know there is more to me than just my GOOD LOOKS. The cats play and see me as an important being (this was actually quite sober, not meant to be funny) I love all the love and respect that my family gives me. Maybe others will learn a lesson from all of this. Learn that EACH OF US is important. We each have value and we are all unique and different YET in the end we are very much the same.
Then we heard from Mom:
Hi Ming!
Wow, the comments about the Reiki session were wonderful! Rosco is just as I thought he would be: very funny and very spiritual. I’m so glad he enjoyed it. He started out asleep, then woke up, hopped over to where I was sitting on the floor, then back to his corner where he sat relaxed, eyes wide open.
I definitely felt it, too. It started pretty powerfully in my head and went to my heart for a while, then down into my center – I think it must have gone down my chakras, although I don’t have much experience with that. The energy sometimes felt like the feeling you get in an electrical storm when the lightening is close by. I can still feel it rolling around inside me! This is the first time I felt it so clearly.
I have always felt that my animals are my teachers. Rosco confirms it! Isn’t it cool that Rosco said that the cats see him as an important being? I wondered why they all put up with his pushiness! Rosco told us an important lesson about everyone having value and even though unique, being the same.
How wonderful to have Sophie here with us, too!
Here is what I learned: Learn that EACH OF US is important. We each have value and we are all unique and different YET in the end we are very much the same.
At the end of the session as Rosco was telling At the end of the session as Rosco was telling Candy the above statement at the exact same time I felt this feeling so strongly : Givingt Reiki to a rabbit was just like giving reiki to a horse, a cat or a dog. All are unique and different yet very much the same. It was awesome.
This is a wonderful blog about our Rosco. And he now he’s in Reiki Times, too! Anyone who wants to learn more about Rosco can “like” him on his Facebook page, Rosco Rabbit. You can learn more about his breed (Champagne D’Argent) and where he was born at .
Thank you Ming and Candy!
That’s right Caren! I love his Facebook page. He makes me LAUGH everyday. He was a joy to Reiki as well! Ming
Animals are so tuned in and so many humans are tuned out…Change the world Roscoe!!!
I believe animals like Rosco are changing the world 😉 Thanks for the comments Wendy!