This Archangel attunement was a great reminder that ANYONE can have angels. In reality, you don’t even need us to attune you to them. You can ask on your own. Our attunements are just a kick start for those who want it. This wonderful lady has two great dogs that we have given Reiki to. Other than that, don’t know much about her but our sense is that she’s just a good person getting through life with the rest of us and one thing we do know she loves her dogs. So already a great person ! But after her guardian angel attunement we were quite excited to introduce her to the Archangels. As we connected to the Archangels this is what occurred:
The Archangels Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and Zadkiel are dancing around you. There is this cloud of color that keeps changing and they are tossing it up around you. It appears they are bathing you in the loving rays of their colors. You are smiling and Clement is beside you watching as each Archangel comes to you and makes a connection one at a time to you. They are now whispering to you- we are here, please call upon us so that we may assist you in your daily life. You will have all the joy and happiness you wish to receive along your peaceful journey.
Also two power animals showed:
Bat returned! Let go of those habits and attachments that no longer serve you. Welcome the changes that are long overdue. The ordeal you are facing is a necessary part of your transformation and an initiation into a much more spiritually directed life Its time to conquer your fears trusting that doing so will bring about dramatic and beneficial changes. Call on bat when you’re in a transition where a life that you once lived is dying and a new cycle is emerging. White horse also showed with many blessings for you. White horse says you are protected from any negative psychic attacks.
Later on we heard back:
My attunement was so peaceful and wonderful! Both dogs were in the room with me, Kelsie on the bed and Rudy on the floor. Kelsie REALLY loves to be pet, so if you stop petting her, she puts her paw on you, or her head so I was actually lying in my bed holding Kelsie’s paw! Rudy likes his space, so he doesn’t usually get on the bed. (he doesn’t need to, he has his own bed in the guest room …LOL). I was a bit anxious starting, worrying that I would not be able to relax and “shut” my thinking off and just be still. But then I remembered to ask Clement for help. It was so neat, I felt each of the colors first surround me and then travel through me from head to toe. Each color distinctly, but they moved quickly so eventually I was surrounded by and filled with like a cloud/blanket of all of the color rays. I felt Clement like he was watching from right by my shoulder. I concentrated on Kelsie’s and Rudy’s sleep breathing to relax myself. Once the colors came, I felt peace and tremendous joy and love. Unconditional love and joy and peace that were just amazing…I never experienced that before. I meditated on each of the Archangels colors and attributes and just felt really protected, like the Archangels have my back so I don’t need to stress about things 🙂
The bat showing up was awesome. I am detoxing off of all of the medications that the doctors have prescribed me over the years for my chronic migraine pain…they do not help, so why take them? It is a safe detox, but I really am moving away from that old life of pain and medicine, and doctors and wanting to move to a different place in my life…one where I am not ruled by the pain anymore. I am also attending Bible school and starting back to work as a Hospice nurse slowly. So I am really trying to move forward and not be dominated by pain anymore. I felt Archangel Michael breaking all of the ties with his white sword!
The white horse was great, as during the entire attunement I was asking for protection from negative energies, as I feel like the pain and anxiety are negative energies that I don’t want to disturb me anymore! I felt like I was covered in a blanket/cloud of protection and light. The reiki and the attunements have helped me to move forward.
I will share more as I continue my spiritual journey! Thank you so much!!!!