During my usual morning communication with the angels after talking about this and that.. my mind went to Iceland… then I saw the ash.. animals that were going to cross over but couldn’t see through the ash. Then the names starting with my own cat Mochi, Sophie, Teddy, Monty, Dasher, Bailey, Sam, Breeze and Moose. They were all there helping. I was so touched, I started to cry. Part of it was sadness as the animals were perishing, then part of it was gratitude as our loving animals that gave us so much while they were ours were giving back . As the earth keeps shifting which seems like a weekly event these days I was reminded of Alanna’s note to me earlier this year. I’d like to share it again. Blessings to all of us and our fur babies that give us so much love.
Hi Ming,
I meditated on this topic of animals transitioning and asked what Spirit wanted us to know about this. The following is what channeled through me. Feel free to share it!
Blessing of love and light,
Animals, like people are awakening to what is going on here on earth, as well as, awakening in consciousness, more and more. Animals are VERY sensitive to energy. Human energy and the energy of the earth! There are more animals and humans choosing to transition at this time for many reasons. Some of them are simply complete here in this “Earth School” for now. Others are frustrated with what is going on here and want to help from the other side, because they know they can create more change from there and help more people at one time. Some just feel like they no longer want to be in this earthly energy, so they are leaving for some place better. Again, this is true for many animals, as well as, humans.
As humans, still here on earth, the best thing you can do is bless them on their way and trust that if they can help, support, or assist you from the other side, they WILL. Your animals love you so much and they are here to bring you healing and help absorb and transmute your negative energy. They do this because they want to, and because they love you, not because they have to. Animals want to help you, bring you joy and love, and help enhance your connection to nature and the Divine. Love and cherish them while they are with you as fully as you can. Take good care of them, for they want to take good care of you.
I really enjoy reading your blog and was particularly moved by this article. Furbabies are such a special part of the family unit. I had not stopped to think that perhaps they choose US! Like we (humans) are somehow responsible for the coupling because we pick them out from the breeder, petshop, farm etc.. They do heal us and i am grateful for the unconditional gifts they bring to my day. Namaste to all the hardworking furbabies everywhere 🙂
Thank you Reed for the wonderful comments. Fur babies are definitely a special part of the family unit!! yes, they did choose us. I think more than we even chose them. They teach us so much about life and the world we live in. Blessings to you!