This was our 6th Reiki session with this golden retriever as I said in the last post, she’s a very intuitive dog! The day before her session she had thrown out her back flinging some toys around. So when we came to Reiki her we not only sent Reiki to the tumor but to all of her joints and her back and spine as well. What she said to us really made us think about how we as humans look at “aging”. Read what Daisy said:
Daisy said, I’m on a slow down Daisy today. My mind is so playful but my body fell apart a little when I was commanding myself to get up and play, jump, fetch and leap. My mind believes my body can spring into action as soon as I think about it not so anymore. I believe in your world its called “aging”. For us animals we really don’t get caught up in the whole thing. We live, we eat, we die. Some of us are lucky enough to live with an amazing family and eat wonderful meals and are always surrounded with love. All things are really pretty remarkable in Daisy’s world.
Daisy lives in the moment. Daisy lives her life in happiness. We all can learn a lot from Daisy and she’s a great reminder for those of us who practice living in the moment ! Thank you Daisy!
WOW!!! That’s awesome! So grateful you shared…or that Daisy shared. Humans could learn a LOT from Daisy, and other animals.
Thanks Sarah. Yes, definitely. We all learned from Daisy.. and yes, so many animals teach us !
Awesome article about a super-special pup! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Peg, thanks for the comments!