I love dogs. Love them love them. Every one we Reiki. I even have two of my own that I love so much. But Candy and I have never come across a dog that was so in “tune” with herself when it comes to energy healing. She first of all has a very intuitive mother which may have something to do with it.. but then again, my dogs aren’t like this one and I’m pretty intuitive. So this dog is completely amazing. Cats and horses are so wise and so deep. They can see things in a way that is so incredible. But now we have come across a golden retriever named Daisy. She is very cognizant of energy healing.
Here is what she said while we were sending the healing to her not just to her heart and the tumor but her whole body:
First of all she said things are good at my house. We are all pretty happy campers. I’m at peace and contentment in my head! This is a very relaxing place that this reiki takes me to. I can feel every energy cell wake up and start moving ! Wow is this amazing. You have to be very aware to tune into your body like this. I am Daisy in tune to my channel.
Her Mom said she laid by the couch during her session and after 30 min she got up and twirled around. We got an email before I could even send one out saying, guess you are done! Even that was so interesting! The tumor has now become solid so there is no danger of it bursting. We’re working on shrinking it! We look forward to her Reiki sessions again coming up soon!
It’s true that reiki can also be used in animals. Some hospitals use this as their alternative way of healing and helping sick animals. Reiki will not harm you and your pets because it is a healing energy. It will strengthen the bond between you and your pet and it will change your life as well.