We got a request to Reiki a 3 1/2 year old rottweiler before and after her bilateral elbow surgery. Before the surgery we directed the energy to her elbows as well as her whole body to help the surgery go smooth and healing to occur faster.
Pre Surgery Reiki session:
Hi Ming
I’m glad that she / you had some helpers show up tonight, especially since she has surgery tomorrow. Yes, I’m sure the universe knows how sweet and special she is – she makes friends where ever she goes. A friend of ours has an Autistic son who is terrified of dogs and has never even allowed one to get remotely close without screaming and running away in fear – that is, until he met Alexa. Within minutes, they were playing and frolicking like they were old friends and he was letting her give him “nose kisses”. It was wonderful, and that is the kind of girl she is. I am very blessed that the universe brought her into my life!!
Alexa was awake and very relaxed when her session started and then she just kind of faded into sleep, occasionally opening her eyes and then dozing off again. She did stir and stretch when her session was over, and is now sleeping and snoring. I’m glad she is so relaxed tonight. I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow and what the docs say. And I’m thinking weekly sessions for the next couple of weeks to help with her healing. Thank you in advance for the angels!! I know they help more than we can imagine.
After surgery we heard back : Alexa’s surgery went well and she is now home sleeping peacefully. The surgeon removed a big bone chip from one of her elbows – it was about the size of a sunflower seed – and got some smaller pieces from her other elbow. No wonder she was limping, poor sweetie. He also said that he was surprised that there was so little inflammation around her elbows and also the next morning at the incision sites. Hmmmm – I think I hear a little Reiki action going on here! 🙂
Post Surgery Reiki session:
Alexa said wow I cant get up and run anymore for now. Mom says soon. How long is soon? (Candy said she is so cute!) Everyone is so nice to me. They all take such good care of me. I love my WHOLE family. She said the Reiki is not just energy healing but a warm glow going from my inside out! My elbows are healing. I know it! Everything will be just fine for Alexa.
Right at 9:30, both Alexa and Jakes heads pop up and they begin looking around intently, Jake for a little longer than Alexa. Then Alexa came over to lie by me. About 10 minutes into the session my husband crept in and laid down on the floor near us and Alexa got up and began licking his ear and forehead for about a minute. He said later that where she licked him he could feel the Reiki – warm and tingling. I think she was sharing the experience with Dad. J I could feel the energy all around my little family as we lay quietly on the floor enjoying being together and I could just feel the energy start to stream out of my hands – ebbing and flowing. It felt almost like we were all in a snug little Reiki cocoon. Both Alexa and Jake were blissed out and at about 10:00 Alexa drifted off to sleep and began quietly snoring….
That is very cool about Archangel Raphael helping. For some reason, I’m not at all surprised. I often call Alexa my “littlest Angel”.
Couple days later after the Reiki session her Mama said:
Alexa is doing really well – there is still NO inflammation around her incision sites and by Saturday afternoon she was starting to get back to her regular cute self. She is walking without any sign of a limp when I take her outside and today we just sat basking in the sun enjoying the warmth together with Jake. It was really nice and felt like things were beginning to get back to normal. I have a big play pen and comfy crate set up for her and Jake likes to go in and just hang out with her –typical Jake. BTW, still no nightmares since she got her Reiki Angel pillow…..
Then even a few days later, we heard :
Quick update on Alexa – her staples are now out and her surgeon is very pleased with her recovery. He says that she is healing very quickly and he has actually cleared her to begin water therapy on the underwater treadmill starting next week. That is huge – I had initially been told that she probably couldn’t begin water therapy again until she was totally healed. We still have another 4 weeks on restricted activity (no running, jumping, playing and continued play pen restriction) while her cartilage continues to heal but we are cleared to take short 5 minute walks several times a day. We don’t need to return for the final check up that happens 6 weeks out of surgery unless she has problems. Alexa is normally a pretty steady healer but this time around it seems to have been faster. True, it was a less invasive surgery than the other ones she has had, but I am absolutely convinced that the Reiki is contributing her rapid recovery…. especially since her surgeon was somewhat surprised at how far she has already come with her recovery. J And of course, she has made more friends.
Her Mama wrote us this :
I am absolutely convinced that the Reiki right before and after surgery and during recovery helped with Alexa’s healing as well as helped put her in a good space mentally. I could tell that she was much better prepared this time around. And it was so helpful for me to learn that she wasn’t afraid and that she understood what was going on. That was my biggest concern. Having gone through so many surgeries with her, I know that her recovery this time around was faster. Her surgeon and the nurses who tended to her all commented on how quickly she healed and how little inflammation there was. Would she have healed and done OK without the Reiki? Yes. But her recovery wouldn’t have been quite as fast and we probably would have seen the usual predictable little bumps in her recovery that we didn’t see this time. And, just as importantly, her head was in a really good place during her entire confinement.