My personal journey thus far has included meeting this fabulous, beautiful and magical white horse named Bodhisattva. Since he has joined me (has not left yet!) I have been fascinated by him. He has let me ride him once in my dreams. When I woke up I felt euphoric and had a sense a stronger bond was formed. I have been quite curious as to why he has joined me besides the fact that he said “I’m open to animal energy”. Then last night, my good friend was reading in Doreen Virtue’s book, “How to Hear Your Angels” was this paragraph. It said, Interestingly, the guardian angels surrounding people of eastern religious orientations usually don’t have wings. Their angels are akin to bodhisattvas (enlightened ascended beings), performing the same role as the Western guardian angels: to love, protect and guide the person to whom they are assigned.
WOW!! The moment I saw the word “bodhisattvas” I was so excited. I had done so much googling to see what resonated with me when Bodhisattva first visited me. But this did. While I do not practice an eastern religion, my DNA is of eastern dissent, does that count?! Somehow it feels so. I do believe I have western guardian angels too. I have Hannah and she certainly loves, protects and guides me, way before Bodhisattva revealed himself to me. But I LOVE seeing this white horse. He’s so powerful. In last night’s archangel attunement he was really pumped up. He looked as if he were talking to me. Now, if I could only hear what he was saying!
The other wonderful thing that my friend shared with me from the book was , she also says “the corner of your eye is more sensitive to light & movement than front of eye, so you often see psychic visions out of this area” Since my kitty Mochi passed away, I see her always on the bottom right of my eye. If this is a psychic vision of her, I’ll take it. She even moves. This morning before I got out of bed I wanted to see Mochi, closed my eyes and there she was!
Also from her book: “I’ve also noticed spirit totem animals. These are eagles, wolves and bears who circle the human’s head, giving them protection and natural wisdom.” Perhaps this would also explain the black bear that joins me often in our Reiki sessions healing many pets and people.
I also found this by Doreen Virtue, “The angels are these non-denominational pure love beings that everybody can agree on, no matter what religion (or non-religion) you are. Everybody can agree on the archetype of an angel,” she explains, “Whether you call it a bodhisattva or a goddess or a spirit guide; we’re all talking about the same thing. Ultimately it’s a benevolent, unconditionally loving being who’s with us spiritually at all times. We get stuck because we don’t think we deserve their help. We don’t ask for help often enough or we think that other people deserve their help more than us. We’re strong, we can suffer through life, we can do it all ourselves.”
For now, I welcome them all. I thank them all for their help and guidance and wonderful healing!
hi ming,
this was a lovely post. your angel is so beautiful. i am definitely curious, and would love to understand how to get in touch with my angels. both you and sophie lhoste have been talking about guardian angles, and the book “eat, pray, love” made me feel better about a recurring dream i’d had throughout college.
i am curious about your comment, “Now, if I could only hear what he was saying!” —from this, i take it’s different from reiki, and you cannot hear your archangel, even though he’s a horse?
ps—on a different note, i miss jacko and zeke terribly, but they’re very healthy and happy in iowa with my parents. they’re definitely loving the views and the outdoors, when it’s not too cold to explore.
Hi Susan, good to hear from you!! I’m glad to hear that Jack and Zeke are doing well and having their adventures. We could attune you
to your guardian angel if you like. You can see on our website. As to that comment, during one Reiki session it was as if Bodhitsattva was talking to me!
I do believe I can hear him now as I am realizing he is an angel and not a horse 🙂