Besides Bodhisattva, Mochi and Sophie. I’ve got a black bear that comes and goes. He’s been coming more than going lately in Reiki sessions. He’s quite awesome. I’m getting quite fond of this black bear. One of our clients even has a stuffed black bear to gaze upon to remind him of his Reiki and power animal sessions.
According to Animal Speak, by Ted Andrews: Like birds, the bear is often considered among Native American peoples as kin to humans because it can stand and walk upon two legs. The bear teaches you to draw your all your inner resources of energy and essence even those which have never been tapped or accessed. WOW! Does this sound like Reiki to me or what. Reiki helps us tap into our wellness center. Is there something that you need help with , or something that you need healing with? Tap into that black bear!
Black bears are able to shut down their kidneys to preserve them. Kidneys serve a vital function in excreting urine and filtering blood plasma. Kidneys are a symbol of discernment. Bear Medicine teaches us to go deep within to make choices and decisions from a position of power.
Thank you Black Bear for joining us in our Reiki sessions and helping our clients and fur babies tap into their inner resources of energy!!
i like the bears