This whole afternoon I spent over lunch talking to some highly intuitive people. We were talking about the new energies that 2010 has brought already. All of us can feel it, the shift. Its very powerful. Alanna said, and I’m paraphrasing…but she alluded to the fact that as we CHOOSE to take this energy and go with it, it will just take us to a higher level. A higher vibration and by the time 2012 rolls around we’ll be on the mountain! All the stuff below it will not bother us. I CHOOSE to take it. I was actually telling them that I have moved onto a new vibration. Seeing animals in every Reiki session. Having animals come and console me when Mochi passed on. And now, even seeing Mochi myself…its all so exciting. I have to admit I’m not sure what all their roles are but it’s all very positive. I’ve been told to follow my intuition and that’s exactly what I’m doing.
Then our subject shifted to angels. Alanna talks to angels as if she is breathing. During our conversation the angels said to her to me why are you only attuning reiki people. I said, uh, well, I guess cause that’s the way it is.. realizing when I said the answer, its sounded odd to me. We did not talk about it further. After lunch I went and saw Candy for a Reiki session. After the Reiki session I told her what Alanna asked me. Candy said her angel asked her that too. Candy said OPEN it to all. This is not some kind of secret society. The angels are for everyone. They’re here to help us. They want to help us. WOW, the angels are rejoicing once again.
So with that said, ANYONE who would like an angel attunement we are here to help you. Again, because this is a work in progress you will have my every ounce of energy to help you in anyway. Angels are so powerful and they keep telling me every day follow your divine life’s work. This is your calling.
I know as I follow my calling, my intuition continues to be strong and stronger. So if you are interested in getting to know your angels and the Archangels, contact us. I promise your life will not be the same. How could it? We’re talking about angels here.
From our page:
Dana Lisa Young
Great post! I was wondering the same thing about the angel attunements because it didn’t seem like it was dependent upon knowing Reiki in order to call upon the archangels.
Which reminds me, I was at a Reiki circle today and Archangel Michael’s presence was very strong. One of the women I worked on was HIGHLY empathic (amazingly gifted!!) and … See Moreshe asked me what the bright blue light was that she saw. This was after I had seen beautiful white angel wings while we were channeling Reiki to her. Wow!
Interesting to read this. My grief, all grief, is highly personal. Sacred. I called on ALL the ArcAngels before Sir Chelsea’s crossing over. I did this over and over. I talked to a few of them, I’m familiar with, several times by name.
I told someone today about this as the calls rolled in to see how I’m doing. I even said that “they cannot ignore us.” I hope and believe they heard me.
While I might very well be missing something here and above, I’d like to share that I was taught of my personal power. I didn’t need anyone or anything to reach out.
I reached out from my heart. In love. To my angels, the ArcAngels, and to “every angel that lives and walks in the white christ light.” _ In my time of need.
I hope and pray that my prayers were heard and answered.
As we move forward into the upcoming years, I have no doubt that we are here to work together. To love, to share our energies and our talents.
I am so very sad. But I know- my prayers were heard.
Obviously, I love what Candy and Ming do. 🙂
Some of us are more intuitive than others. Our intuition continues to evolve if we let it. Our angel attunement you could
call it a kick start. That is right Erin, we’re here to work together, to share our gifts, to heal the planet.
Great post!! The energy shift was so clear and abrupt for me on 3/31. Like the faucet was turned on full blast where before it had been a drip,drip, drip…lol. Lots of emotion, but at the same time lots of deep peace…and amazing abundance and JOY of all kinds. And shifts in my physical body and habits too. All that came before prepared me for this shift, that’s for sure! AndI am experiencing so much loving support from the non physical realm….just beautiful. Love, Jan