We had a wonderful experience in attuning this Reiki Master to the Archangels. During the attunement we felt them flowing through us to her. It almost made me catch my breath! She had already made contact with Archangel Chamuel. Since the attunement she has had experience with Archangel Michael whom I told her is the best “bouncer” in the Universe! He is THE protector. I have heard his voice when I have been in a situation where I have felt frightened.
Here is her comment to us:
Thank you very much Candy and Ming!
During the attunement, I became very relaxed. I had done Reiki on myself prior to the attunement and kept my hands on me during the attunement to keep the energy flowing. I noticed an occasional shift in energy, more like a light pressure around my head a few times. When I intuited that the attunement was complete, I gave thanks and then sat for a few minutes to get my bearings. I called the archangels to be present with me and felt a gentle surge of energy, like my upper body was swaying. I then called upon Archangel Chamuel because I felt the need for deepened connection to love, after a series of recent dreams where I seem to be working through some old relationship issues. I immediately saw a dark pink that was speckled with black, almost as if I was viewing my own blocked love energy. Then it began to clear and the pink lightened up and I felt the slow swaying again.
This is the most interesting thing, though. Earlier today, I decided to put some more Christmas lights in our living room because I had not decorated as much this year as I normally do and felt like the room needed more holiday lights. The first two strands I picked up only lit halfway and I had to discard them. I kept looking for others but most were too long for what I needed. I almost gave up, but something told me to go look again. Then I came across a set of lights I don’t recall seeing before and they were different than all the other strands I have. Instead of only having one color per bulb, there are two. So a single bulb may be half pink. half green, for example. Anyway, I walked into the living room after the attunement, saw the light strand again on the mantel and stopped in my tracks. The colors had the same vibrational quality of the angel attunements! How awesome is that!
Thanks for helping me receive such a wonderful Christmas present! Much love and many blessings to you both!