So I’ll be talking more about angels and Reiki. Angels just want to help us. They want to help us in everything. I know my guardian angel helps me find parking spaces. She loves to do that and I always ask her. Even in this busy holiday time, I always find a space. You say why? When I was studying about them, I had read that they like to help us even with the smallest things. Mine certainly is good at finding me parking spaces. I always thank her.
The angels of course help us with Reiki. There are many healing angels out there in the Universe and I call on all of them to help whenever we Reiki you or your pet. There is Arachangel Raphael who is the healing Archangel that helps us every time as well. Everything is always for the highest good. We may not know what that is but that is what comes of each session.
Reiki helps us tap into our own wellness center. Sometimes with animals it only takes one Reiki session. Candy and I always marvel that we had 3 different cats all of which had herpes in the eye. They had tried a lot of different things and each one was healed with one session. But then there was this great Dane. We gave her two Reiki sessions, the first session did what the Mama wanted. She was excited and asked for a second session. But the 2nd session did not give the Mama what she wanted. Both Candy and I know the Reiki energy went. But it goes to where its needed most. Though we direct it, it goes where its needed. I felt bad that the Mama did not get the outcome she wanted. But Candy always tells me you don’t know what we just prevented or helped. I was reminded of someone (I then realized later it was a dog) that said the first session was so profound as he had never felt anything like it. The 2nd time he was so excited so he actually said don’t worry Mom, the Reiki was as the same.
Everyone and every animal responds differently to the energy. Some animals are so intuitive they know how to take the energy and use it to where they need it.
One thing that I have learned by doing Reiki is to not be attached to the outcome , then the healing can occur that needs to occur. When I was working on the kidney stone earlier this year, I had no idea it was going to go away! I was only trying to relieve pain. Then after the third session I was told the pain was gone and so was the kidney stone!
We’re constantly learning. Constantly open to the angels and what they have to teach us! They are always working and teaching us. The key is to be open.